The immunization data is obtained through the annual Immunization Data Report (IDR). The IDR is a self-reported survey that each school and child care/preschool facility is required to complete and submit to the Arizona Department of Health Services Immunization Office by November 15th each year per Arizona Administrative Code R9-6-707.

The IDR assesses the coverage and exemption data from the following grades: Child Care/Preschool; Kindergarten; and 6th grade. This is intended to be a representative sample of immunization coverage in Arizona.

*No vaccine is 100% effective at preventing disease. A range of 95%-100% vaccine coverage is the target for childhood vaccines to fully protect a community and curtail the spread of disease.

For further information on school immunization requirements, review the Guides to Arizona Immunization Requirements for Child Care/Preschool and for Grades K-12.

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